Basic s of electronics  

Learning outcomes Course graduates will be able to independently use the modern equipment used in laboratories, without hurting him/herself or a device itself. The student also van continue his studies of electronics in some sophisticated electronics course. This is done by the student knowledge: * Operation of circuits, DC and AC theory of general principles; * Basics of digital electronics; * analog and digital electronics used in electronic components (transformer, diode, transistor, operational amplifier, etc.) Purpose and principles of operation; * Optoelectronics (photocell, photodiode, etc.) operating principles; * electromechanical devices (relays, motors, generators, etc.), And uses principles of operation; * electrical parameters (power, input and output impedance, etc.) In the interconnection of different devices; * non-electrical quantities (light, pH, temperature, magnetic field, etc.) used to measure the operating principles of sensors; * electrical safety; Brief description of content * Operation of circuits, DC and AC theory of general principles; * Basics of digital electronics; * analog and digital electronics used in electronic components (transformer, diode, transistor, operational amplifier, etc.) Purpose and principles of operation; * Optoelectronics (photocell, photodiode, etc.) operating principles; * electromechanical devices (relays, motors, generators, etc.), And uses principles of operation; * electrical parameters (power, input and output impedance, etc.) In the interconnection of different devices; * non-electrical quantities (light, pH, temperature, magnetic field, etc.) used to measure the operating principles of sensors; * electrical safety.
Basic s of electronics

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